Instruments Operational at the WAIS Divide

AMF equipment at WAIS Divide. Left to right: Total Sky Imager (TSI) and Ceilometer, Microwave radiometer (MWR) farther back by itself, the container with most of the instruments and data system, liquid nitrogen supply (yellow crates) for the GVRP microwave profiling radiometer, and the GNDRAD system – 06 December 2015       Photo on “Read More . . .”

Photo of : AMF equipment at WAIS Divide. Left to right: Total Sky Imager (TSI) and Ceilometer, Microwave radiometer (MWR) farther back by itself, the container with most of the instruments and data system, liquid nitrogen supply (yellow crates) for the GVRP microwave profiling radiometer, and the GNDRAD system